Thursday, 5 August 2010

Some recent monochrome images

Tree stump on Hessle foreshore.
Hessle Creek.
The Humber Estuary.

I took these recently on the Humber Estuary, East Yorkshire, U.K. using my EOS 3 and ilford delta 100, these are scans from the film, I've just enhanced them a bit in photoshop. These sort of images are best viewed as gallery sized prints, in the flesh so to speak. I came across the following quote in a book I've been reading, and would apply the same sentiments to my own images above...

 "In some photographs the essences of light and space dominate; in others, the substance of rock and wood, and the luminous insistence of growing things....It is my intention to present, through the medium of photography, intuitive observations of the natural world which may have meaning to spectators" - Ansel Adams.


Unknown said...

Some good monochrome atmospheric images Tim. I like the last one in particular.

Tim Everett said...

Many thanks.