One I made recently with my Canon 40D and Canon EF-S 10-18mm f4.5/5.6 IS lens, at the wide end, (16mm in 35mm film terms) I spent a few days on the streets of London, images can be seen on my Instagram account @ streetshootertim I uploaded this one to IG but decided to delete it, thanks to IG degrading the image quality in the process! I’ve noticed this happens with some images I post there?
I’m not really into landscape photography, I much prefer Cityscapes like this one, (though this could be classed as a landscape too) I can and do appreciate great landscape photography…Ansel Adams comes to mind, Don McCullin makes some cracking landscape shots too, he mostly does it as therapy after witnessing and photographing war.
But I mean... how hard can it be to get good landscape images in a beautiful landscape? It can get a bit boring, you could probably give a monkey a camera and it would get good landscape photos in a great landscape, maybe even better as it could climb up trees etc 😀 I much prefer the challenge of street photography, social documentary.